
Top energy industry group grading presidential candidates’ energy plans

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EXCLUSIVE: A leading industry group that represents energy workers nationwide is beginning an effort Monday to rank presidential candidates on their energy agenda.

Power the Future is planning to send a detailed questionnaire accompanied by a letter to every presidential campaign to help assess energy policies and inform the public about where candidates stand on a key issue area. The group stressed that candidates should demonstrate sound energy policy that would reverse the impacts of the Biden administration’s climate agenda.

‘Over the past two plus years, American families have become painfully aware about the critical role energy plays in our lives,’ Daniel Turner, the founder and executive director of Power the Future, told Fox News Digital. ‘A series of misguided policy decisions by the Biden administration surrendered American energy independence, contributed to 40-year high inflation and drove a gallon of gasoline past $5, the highest in history.’ 

‘Perhaps never before has the United States needed sound energy policy so urgently,’ he continued. ‘Our goal with this questionnaire is simply creating a platform for a broader and productive discussion on an important topic.’

In a copy of the letter Power the Future is sending to the campaigns – first obtained by Fox News Digital – Turner reiterates that Americans deserve to know candidates’ ‘vision for our energy future.’ 

As part of providing a dedicated platform for broader discussion about campaigns different approaches on energy policy, Turner said his group would ultimately publish all unedited responses it receives from the campaigns to allow Americans to judge for themselves.

In the questionnaire being sent along with the letter, Power the Future will ask candidates if they will reverse President Biden’s day-one actions of killing the Keystone XL pipeline and pausing fossil fuel production on federal lands and waters. The document also asks how candidates will return U.S. oil production to its 2019 level of 13 million barrels per day.

In addition, the group asks candidates how they would refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and ensure nationwide power grid reliability and electricity affordability.

It further questions if candidates would commit to repealing any aspect of the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats’ massive climate and tax package passed in August 2022. The final question posed probes candidates on whether they believe manmade climate change is ‘an existential threat requiring immediate government intervention.’

‘We’re hopeful each campaign responds with their plan to bring back American energy independence because working families deserve a president who will put them ahead of the failed green agenda,’ Turner told Fox News Digital.

Since announcing they would run for president, nearly every major candidate has outlined broad plans on energy. 

Former President Donald Trump, who continues to lead in Republican primary polls, lists ‘unleash energy dominance’ as a key priority on his campaign website. The website says Trump would ‘unleash the production of domestic energy resources’ while promoting energy security and reducing prices.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly criticized Biden’s energy policies, saying earlier this year that the U.S. is ‘gonna need traditional energy much, much longer’ than Biden has said. At the same time, though, DeSantis has pushed some green policies celebrated by clean energy associations and signed an order in 2019 opposing all offshore oil and gas activities off every coast in Florida and fracking in the state.

Other GOP candidates including former Vice President Mike Pence, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott have all stressed the importance of an all-of-the-above energy agenda that involves greater domestic production.

Biden’s main Democratic opponent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is a longtime environmental activist and has pledged to curb fossil fuel production and push for a rapid transition to green energy.

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